Thursday 13 August 2015

Lemon and lime juicy drink

  • Half a litre of cold water.
  • One sliced lemon and one sliced lime.
  • Sugar to taste

Squeeze all of the juice out of the lemon and lime and share the juice out into two medium-sized glasses. Add some water to each glass and stir with a teaspoon for 13 seconds. Add some sugar if you like your juice a little bit sweet. If your drink is too watery add more lemon and lime juice, and if it is too strong add more water. Put in the fridge for 5 mins.

Serving Suggestions
  • some sliced lemon and lime (frozen if you want a very cold drink!)
  • straws
  • fruit on the side of the glass
  • biscuits at the side/crisps
  • muffin/ice cream/sorbet/cupcake
  • marshmallows/chocolate
  • cocktail umbrella
  • granola bars